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SMSF Investments

You can invest any assets in your SMSF if the laws allow you to do so. iCare Super does not put any restrictions on how and where you should invest.


SMSF Investment Rules:


– having an investment strategy to states the objective, risk

diversification and investment allocations etc of your SMSF

– all investments are to be completed on an arm’s length basis

– restrictions on borrowings: the super fund can borrow to for the purpose of a) covering settlement of securities transactions but not exceeding 7 days and 10% of the value of the fund assets, b)benefit payments but not exceeding 90 days and 10% of the value of the fund assets c) limited recourse borrowing agreement

– restrictions on lending and providing financial assistance to members;

– restrictions on the acquisition of assets from related parties; and

– restrictions on investments in in-house assets.


SMSF Investments:

you can have the following investments in your SMSF

– Any Bank Accounts

– Cash, Term Deposits and Fixed Interest Securities

– Australian listed Shares or Trust Units

– Foreign Listed Shares or Trust Units

– Managed Funds

– Residential or Commercial Properties

– Bonds


– ASX Listed Warrants

– Contracts for Difference (CFDs)

– Exchange Traded Options (ETOs)

– International Shares

– Foreign Exchange (FX)

– Metals and Commodities

– Cyrtos Currencies

– Collectibles, such as Coins, Art Works and Wines etc

– Any Other Assets Allowed by Superannuation Rules


iCare Super only provides non-advisory services for your SMSF investments.

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