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SMSF Updates

Purchase a Property in a SMSF in India

23 May, 2018

In India, it is not possible to register the property in the name of a foreign entity, so you will need to be registering he property in the names of the trustees and you may make a declaration of trust.

Do not use the online free sample declaration of trust and the free online copy of sale deed of the property to be purchased in India.

We strongly recommend obtaining a declaration of trust / deed from a suitably qualified solicitor.

Experience has shown – the ATO will not accept a pro forma such as the free sample declaration of trust.

When purchasing property a property in your SMSF in India – get it 100% right, and use a solicitor experience in the foreign countries property laws.  Get it wrong – and the risks and issues that follow can be significant.

The advice provided in this website is general advice only. Please seek professional advice before acting on any advice on this website.

Should you have any questions in regards to this question, please feel to contact iCare SMSF at  03 9557 3138 or info@icaresuper.com.au

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