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SMSF Updates

SMSF rates and thresholds for 2022-23

04 Mar, 2022


CONTRIBUTIONS CAPS: The CGT cap amount for non-concessional contributions is $1.65m for 2022-23 (up from $1.615m). The concessional contributions cap is unchanged at $27,500 for 2022-23. The non-concessional cap is also unchanged at $110,000 (or $330,000 under the bring-forward rule over 3 years).

SUPER GUARANTEE: the “maximum contribution base” is $60,220 per quarter for 2022-23.

CO-CONTRIBUTIONS: “lower income threshold” is $42,016 for 2022-23; “higher income threshold” is $57,016.

SUPER BENEFITS: The following indexed thresholds apply for 2022-23:

  • Lump sum low rate cap – $230,000 (up from $225,000); Untaxed plan cap – $1.65m (up from $1.615m);
  • ETP cap amount – $230,000 (up from $225,000);
  • Genuine redundancy and early retirement payments – tax-free amounts: base amount – $11,591 (up from $11,341); service amount – $5,797 (up from $5,672).

PENSION CAPS: The “general transfer balance cap”, which is indexed to CPI, is unchanged at $1.7m for 2022-23. The “total superannuation balance” threshold for making non-concessional contributions is also unchanged at $1.7m. 



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